A lot of homes are put on the market that are the victims of what is lovingly referred to as "delayed maintenance". This can be a real problem if the current owner has owned the property for several years and has put off doing things keep the home in good shape.
Something gets broken. Ignored. Fence needs repairs or staining. Ignored. Interior doors come off their hinges. Take 'em down. Front steps crumbling. Use the back door. Whatever. It adds up over time.
If the owner understands that these items of delayed maintenance will cause the asking price to drop it really isn't a problem. There are always buyers looking for a worn house to fix up.
The real problem is when the seller wants to get what the Friesens got for their similar house down the street. Never mind that it was a beautufully maintained property. "I want to get what they got" the seller says.
Of course that seldom happens.
So maintian that piece of valuable real estate you have. Not only because it means it'll get you more when you go to sell it but because of something called pride of ownership. It makes you feel better knowing that your home has been kept in good running condition.
Home Ownership & Reno - Home Maintainance 101
YT post by RoyalLepageCanada
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